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Views: 2941 Date: 16.02.2016 Favorited: 5 favorites

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she was born to lick ass
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Homosexuality isn't normal, not straight people (lgbtq etc make up maybe 10 of the population and that's a very high estimate, but not being normal isn't immoral if no one gets hurt. So yeah, we shouldn't be told it's normal because it's not true, but who cares either way?
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Love when horny females dangle a vibrating dildo out of their pussy.
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I grew up in a town where you can drive a two miles down the road and pass several churches on your way, with very little sex education in schools. Definitely a town with the abstinence only approach (that still hasn't caught the hint with at least 1 or 2 girls pregnant in each graduating class).
+ -
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Your explanation totally made me lol. but you can put a label on a spectrum. it's like two people saying their favourite colour is purple but one person meant lilac, a lighter shade, and the other person meant a rich, deep purple. I for one like labels, I consider it an easy way to explain something briefly instead of saying oh I like this, and this, but not this except for when.etc.
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nossa que video legal elen de ser um velho fazendo sexo com uma jovem oi rapases e mossas quem quer fazer sexo comigo eu so uma mulher gostoza
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The Man is a fucking idiot really,such a beautiful woman must not get this..... and he is a lil pervert.....