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Well, then we come to chapter 12, which is where I want to camp for our remaining moments tonight. The same gospel that God uses to save some hardens others Matt. See Exodus —9. See Exodus —13, 22— Since making a decision to accept Christ may not necessarily mean that God has saved a person, how can we know if he is truly saved? The lamb represented the Lamb of God, or Jesus Christ , who died to save us. He made them into a great people during their stay in Egypt, and with an uplifted arm He led them out of that land.
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7. God’s Mighty Power to Save (Exodus 7:1-25)

Pass it along. Only God could do that through them. The Israelites wanted to give up and return to Egypt but they needed to see the power of GOD work in their lives, in their behalf and to build trust in GOD. The Israelites had to follow God's directions completely, the key step being the application of the blood to the doorposts of their houses. Only then could they be the beneficiaries of their own sowing and reaping and the 30, 60, fold return that is attached to it. The Lord announced beforehand what would happen and what He would do.
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Sermon: God Delivers - Exodus 12

So what did the Israelites need to do? The Israelites were caught between the sea and the well trained and equipped Egyptian army. Pharaoh called his magicians, who were able to do the same trick more on that in a moment. HE stands ready to come to our aid.
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Sermon: God Delivers - Exodus 12

God delivers people from bondage

Description: It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness. Impressive miracles are not the antidote for unbelief. But with every obstacle GOD gave them a solution. We had a deadline of June 11, to either sell his house or give it up.

Views: 2394 Date: 02.08.2015 Favorited: 5 favorites

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