Clit removal pictures

Karanja, James Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences. Complete obstruction of the vagina can result in hematocolpos and hematometra where the vagina and uterus fill with menstrual blood. Related content. Both men were acquitted in Dave, Amish J. Elduma, Adel Hussein 15 February
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Notice that type I is shown removing not only the external portion of the clitoris, but also the clitoral hood the prepuce, the equivalent of the male foreskin. Categories : Gynecological surgery Surgical oncology Surgical removal procedures Female genital modification Plastic surgery Vagina Congenital disorders Pediatric gynecology Chromosomes Urethra disorders Female genital mutilation Ethically disputed medical practices. Oophorectomy Salpingoophorectomy. Wheeless and Dr. Treatments on children raise human rights concerns. According to the World Health Organization, there are four types of female genital mutilation , the first one being: Clitoridectomy : partial or total removal of the clitoris a small, sensitive and erectile part of the female genitals and, in very rare cases, only the prepuce the fold of skin surrounding the clitoris.
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excision of the clitoris | CircWatch

Basel: Karger. D, Wilshire Blvd. She also had a surgery done to her own clitoris by the Viennese surgeon Dr Halban, which entailed cutting the suspensory ligament of the clitoris to permit it to sit closer to her vaginal opening. An obsolete residual of the Victorian era, much like routine infant circumcision: In females, the author has found the application of pure carbolic acid phenol to the clitoris an excellent means of allaying the abnormal excitement. Excised hypertrophied clitoris… from a book The website is the work of Clifford R.
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Clit removal pictures

Description: February According to Jewish Women International , Dr. Commonly, non-medical removal of the clitoris is performed during female genital mutilation FGM. The text indicates that if any of the preconditions are not fulfilled, aesthetic genital surgery should not take place.

Views: 5719 Date: 21.03.2015 Favorited: 5 favorites

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