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A History:’s Word of the Year

Now, I don't want to get off on a rant here, but to listen to all the alarmist intellectual Henny-Penny doom-mongers going on and on these days about the imminent death of the English language, you'd think the English language was, like, ya know, totally dying, or something. Hey, what kinda guy makes it past forty with a "y" on the end of his first name? What drugs are the most dangerous to the most Americans? You cannot build an entire show around a single, easily-remembered catch phrase, and assume that just because you repeat it week after week, people will ultimately attach some sort of profundity or wit to it, and clap like trained seals whenever they hear it. So far, Bush has kept his pledge to the American people. I think some manufacturers may be trying a little too hard to envelop everything with a hip aura. But it wasn't always that way.
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UKRSHOPPER.INFO's List of Every Word of the Year - Everything After Z

Now, I don't want to get off on a rant here, but to listen to all the alarmist intellectual Henny-Penny doom-mongers going on and on these days about the imminent death of the English language, you'd think the English language was, like, ya know, totally dying, or something. Here's an excerpt from our announcement in And wouldn't you rather shoot a game of pool with a guy smoking a joint than a guy drinking whisky and beer? Quick show of hands: How's about this - in America we let people in prison read, study law, even work out so they can get themselves out of jail in much better mental and physical shape to resume their lives of crime.
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Seductive paralegal butt lick ass

Description: At least that way they only get fucked around once. Because these people detest us. For one thing, remember that day-trading dilettante prick neighbor of yours? Quick show of hands: We're the only people in the world who are stupid enough to actually want to know what's going on inside our minds.

Views: 1797 Date: 08.08.2017 Favorited: 5 favorites

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+ -
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Let get together.
+ -
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Wow u need that stunning sexy arms licked u beauti
+ -
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My god I'd love to fuck her and suck her
+ -
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I had more fun throwing the inflated butt in the air like a balloon than I did trying to stick my dick in it.
+ -
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One moment that feels otherworldly isn't worth all those risks. STI's, unwanted pregnancies, and being kidnapped or who knows what else. We're told not to trust strangers for a reason.
+ -
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HPV is a virus that can't be cured, thankfully, most strains won't do anything.
+ -
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she earned it