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Threesomes? - Las Vegas Forum

Where to find threesome in vegas

Description: What has yours and others' experience with reddit postings been like? Three Way Sex Experience Orgy Couples bring your significant other wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend and double the sex pleasure and the fun experience with a three way sex encounter. So yeah I just think she might want to reconsider, in the name of safety. Obviously you have to figure out what level of STD risk you can accept, and you need to sort out what rules you and your SO want.

Views: 2861 Date: 27.04.2015 Favorited: 5 favorites

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Idgaf what none of you are sayin this dude right here for his age was puttin in work on that bitch like 10-15 mins straight pile driven her.. And for whoever said she ain't a prosty get your facts straight, no girl in this world who isn't getting paid for it would fuck a wrinkled old man like that no condom unless it was for money. Come on now, let's be real! 100
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Hey Doc. Do you make house calls?
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I agree with segaiolo what ever the fuck he is crapping on about