Lick branch mine

Disaster has come too swiftly for them to comprehend. He was suppose of died in this mining disaster. Notify me of new comments via email. The fountain of tears had wasted away. It is now believed that the death list may reach , possibly One was completely headless. The project box on the wikitree profile connects the miner to the Worldwide Mining Disasters project.
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Lick Branch Mine

Another inspection was made just after the explosion, and no cause could be assigned for the catastrophe. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here A special train with physicians and mine officials has been sent to the scene from Bluefield. The pall of death hung heavily over the little hamlet, which nestles in the center of the giant Flat Top coal fields. Bob Murray's letter to Governor Huntsman, While required, your email address will NOT be displayed as part of your comment.
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Coal Mining at LICK BRANCH MINE NO 2 - Coal Diver

To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: When they saw the smoke issuing from the mine today following the noise like the booming of a cannon, they knew that it was the warning of death. Ex-miner is troubled by disaster Nearly workers laid off as Murray shutters Tow No Religion, Just Jesus http:
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Lick branch mine

Description: Special trains were run from Pocahontas with officials and rescuing parties. The mine was closed by then and the line was mostly inactive. Some of them point to the fact that the thermometer fell 19 degrees within several hours on the morning of the catastrophe and hold that such rapid changes in the weather have considerable influence on the conditions that produce mine disasters. My grandparents purchased the superintendents house for Continental Mine 2 which was served by the Coal Lick Branch.

Views: 4071 Date: 28.08.2017 Favorited: 5 favorites

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+ -
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So weird seeing her. I've been friends w/ her husband for YEARS!
+ -
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