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I've traveled to points in the world three times that distance. I guess I managed to do a decent job of staying decent at least. I fantasize about being a woman, about dressing like one, having the parts of one and having sex with a man like one. I am amazed there are schools were you are "punished" by being allotted to the girl's team! He dresses in male clothing in public and female in private, he leans toward surgery at some stage if he could but it seems to me there is a lot of conflict as to the best way to proceed forward. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness I could see a faint blue glow from the torches pilot lights, and every once in a while thought something moved in front of one of them in the direction of the noise I heard. Fetish , Lick , Tattoo , Tits , Office.
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Don't care if I get seen in public. Spironolactone, or "spiro" as it's often called is generally the androgen blocker of choice in America. But thanks for the complement. I crossdressed only once that i remember and had only a few fantasies of being a woman, i got the arousal from that and nothing more.
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Description: As told before, propably by Jack Molay, i think it's important to distinguish between people who are aroused of wanting to live as a woman and maybe transitioning , and people who only gets arousal of existing as a sexual woman of their desire. Fetish , Fingering , Sex , Dildo , Panties. Pussy , Fetish , Amateur , Mature , Ebony. Experimentation is healthy, although you can go overboard. The real issue is the most common one, which you described.

Views: 2425 Date: 21.04.2017 Favorited: 5 favorites

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I said I am willing to accept there are pedophiles that don't act on their fantasy. I never said I would be okay with that act being perpetrated on a child. The world is not black and white I would NEVER be okay with children being sexualized. I know it's hard to grasp this concept because pedophilia sooo distrubing but please try to distinguish two thoughts here: one I am not saying in any way that pedophilia is okay. two I said I can understand that some few pedophiles don't perpetrate.