First big dick experience
I was sure he'd break me in half. I held it, sliding my hand up and down, caressing it. I immediately decided he was going nowhere near my vagina, and attempted to give him a blowjob instead. You get to be your own validation. It was at least 11 inches. Hi everyone!
Had my first LARGE PENIS experience... will my vagina ever be the same??!
I heard him say something, or maybe it was just a moan — I never was sure. It was a more fuller feeling and I felt more of my insides were def stimulated. Mainly because afterwards, I have become mesmorized with the feeling it gave me. But it is nice to take on a big dick every now and then, and from time to time, I seriously crave one. Exactly- just opinions or shared experiences! He positioned himself between my legs, and rubbed the length of his cock along my pussy.
Angelica. Age: 23. Hi sexy ! My name is Sophie and I'm a hot busty milf in the Secaucus area for a short time! I am looking for mature, generous gentlemen to spoil
My First (Big) Cock | BunnysDreams
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Description: Damn people! My little pussy is still very amazing- thank you! As we kissed and he fondled my breasts, I reached in between us to give him a little extra stimulation. I do not think I've ever seen or heard of a penis that thin.
Views: 5702
Date: 06.10.2017
Favorited: 5
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