I had more fun throwing the inflated butt in the air like a balloon than I did trying to stick my dick in it.
By: Kuman
Arab pussies are wild
By: Fenchel
Will you still be on this channel? Is it just the physical office moving and not the online office?
By: Raybould
First item of merchandise?
By: Kriss
Some of this seems paranoia.
By: Nygaard
Is repeated, soft suction cupping with the mouth on the clit a thing people do? I've never heard of it before.
By: Ivelisse
There is a peculiar term used in the Ashley Book of Knots, a book so often referenced in knot making that it is commonly abbreviated as ABOK (per Wikipedia). The term refers to the spiral grove formed by the strands of the rope. One might have used the term groove, crevice, or cleavage for this; but no, the term is cuntline. My, those sailors. And, I've wondered if this isn't related to other terms that start with cun, like cuneiform. The root for this means wedge (again, per Wikipedia). So, I guess I'm a lover of wedges.
By: Warren
If u want money let me know hottie if u allow me to fuck your asshole
By: Marguerita
Want to kiss that balck face smeared with the sticky cum!