Bikini model contributors contest
We are able to compress the photos and preserve the quality of the photo on our end. Do not submit grainy or poor quality photos. Rules Be sure to let us know where the pictures were taken ex: vacation at Orient Beach St. Please do not submit explicit XXX material 7 Include a story with your submission such as where the pictures were taken and what the reaction from your husband, boyfriend or strangers were to your Berrydog Bikini. You can receive up to 4 awards so send in as many sets as you would like! High resolution pictures are preferred. About Our Customer Bikini Photo Gallery: Berrydog would like to invite our customers to submit pictures of themselves in our bikinis.
This week's winners
The subject's face must be showing in at least some of the photos. Once your pictures have been posted we will contact you with the details of your coupon. Also Brazilian bikinis are small enough to be listed here. Bikini Riot. Cami Photo courtesy of Cami at Costa Rica. To keep this site updated and extended, you may consider to donate.
Julia. Age: 27. Visiting/travelling in europe & worldwide by prior agreements and pre-booked meetings only!
No Swimsuit - Sexy Nude Woman NO bikini contest in Jamaica!
Bikini Heat Photo courtesy of sexy Bikini-Heat. Kobie Photo courtesy of Kobie. R and A Vantage. Natural, public shots are what we want but all quality images will be considered. Bae One String Bikini.
2017 Ms No Swimsuit Contest
Description: Be sure to let us know where the pictures were taken ex: vacation at Orient Beach St. Feedback and ideas can be posted in the contact form. All rights reserved. The more photos in your submission means a better chance of having them posted. This site is just founded and still in development, but feedback and ideas are always appreciated.
Views: 2972
Date: 12.11.2015
Favorited: 5
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