I'm from the Cook Islands and none of what this messed up lady says is true! Not even the slightest bit true. Shame on you!
By: Rider
I was really horny that afternoon. The response was terrific though. Three different guys were stroking off while I was having my orgasm. Seeing all that spunk shoot out was exciting.
By: Entrikin
Женщина чувственная , не "тихушница зажатая" , ебарек тоже "на высоте" - чувствует женщину .
By: Parquette
Оператору надо меньше болтать.. настрой сбивает!!!
By: Jared
If even one of your viewers is able to sit with the discomfort of recognizing their racist beliefs, be humble and open to your message, then I think you will have been successful. <3
By: Sweatmon
Oh. great. now I won't let anyone show affection towards my non-existent children. fan-tastic.