previouse comment, what makes you think that, asshole. And what was the deal coming out of her arse for a wank, the place is full of useless twats!
By: Steffanie
I do like these videos. and I don't. It is informative, it's positiv, but then again I feel like they are too rushed, not taking enough time to explain in detail. It touches so many subjects, makes me interested in hearing more but then gallops on a few seconds later to the next point of interest, again not fully completing the discussion IMO. I like that she is funny and cute and laughing and smiling a lot (positiv discussion of sex is always a plus), but I would want a bit more seriousnes.
By: Star
It's bad mkay.
By: Bessie
I have very little sex drive when I'm at a bar or whatever, but if I am dating someone, my sex drive is very high. Like it takes a whole lot for me to get worked up, unless it is someone I'm dating, in which case I like to get it on all the time. In a bar situation, my sex drive will increase with time, but usually not enough for me to drive me to action.