wow i just love this video im in south africa and i have a great love for black pussy its the best any man can ever get . black woman know the art af lovemaking
By: Steffanie
Borotva hianyzik neki csunya !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By: Eversmann
I only knew four. x)
By: Bockover
I have very little sex drive when I'm at a bar or whatever, but if I am dating someone, my sex drive is very high. Like it takes a whole lot for me to get worked up, unless it is someone I'm dating, in which case I like to get it on all the time. In a bar situation, my sex drive will increase with time, but usually not enough for me to drive me to action.
By: Markita
I also feel that culture matters in this. Here in Denmark many are taught at home early in their teenage years how to handle alcohol, because we have a strong drinking culture, and knowing how to function while drunk can make a lot of difference in the risks you present to you and your surrounding, when you are completely out of it.
By: Francisco
This is not everyone's experience of the menstrual cycle. Oh boy isn't that the truth!
By: Ronnie
you are good
By: Lyndsay
Would you address cross-dressing as a topic?
By: Lucilla
great job !!
By: Hauswald
Man if those are shorts, I’ d love to see her panties!