Chubby bunny challenge
She collapsed, and was taken to Glenbrook Hospital, where she died a few hours later. Support Us. The game involves children in turn stuffing as many marshmallows into their mouths as they can and trying to say "Chubby Bunny". Girl Boy Other Not Sure. Rating True About this rating. DILFy
Chubby Bunny Marshmallows Choking Death
Medill School of Journalism. At least two people have died of suffocation from choking on marshmallows. Create an account. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Chubby Bunny is an informal recreational and hazing game that involves the placement of an increasing number of marshmallows or similar items such as cotton balls into one's own mouth and stating a phrase that is intended to be difficult to say clearly with a filled mouth. Did this article help you? At no point in that process does the resultant fluid become thick or gluey — it is thin, watery, and easily swallowed.
Urban Dictionary: Chubby bunny challenge
Claim A child suffocated while playing a "Chubby Bunny" marshmallow-stuffing game. This article has also been viewed 80, times. Shop Snopes. The winner is whichever child manages to utter the expression through the largest number of marshmallows.
Description: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Not Helpful 7 Helpful 7. While marshmallows can be quickly melted into a thick liquid, goopy substance in a pot on the stove as anyone who has made Rice Krispies squares will attest , the temperature inside the human mouth is not sufficient to reduce them to that state.
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Date: 03.04.2016
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