Mortal kombat tanya costume

Shujinko battles Tanya in the Grand Palace of Edenia. D'Vorah arguing that the Kytinn do prefer solitude. GameFAQs Answers. MKX has sold about 11m copies worldwide. Tanya had given the Dragon King the information he needed to finish merging the Kamidogu in Jade 's Deception ending. Sign up for free!
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Tanya, the traitor to Edenia and to all the realms. Contents [ show ]. In Mortal Kombat X , Tanya has her hair cut in a graduated angled bob with blunt bangs, but retains her general color scheme and glowing eyes from Deception. Tanya's alternate Costume in both Deception and Armageddon. Her kobu-jutsu weapon style from Deception returns, along with a new weapon: the naginata. Tanya's cameo appearance, chained in Shao Kahn's Coliseum.
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MKWarehouse: Mortal Kombat: Armageddon: Tanya

Jade threw a glass orb filled with concentrated Tarkata essence at Tanya, making her meets her demise in Jade's Deception ending. Start a Wiki. Tanya vs Scorpion in MKG. While in her Pyromancer variation, she has markings on her back, shoulders and torso that glow when she activates her power. Originally introduced as an ostensible innocent, she was quickly revealed to be corrupted by evil, a worshiper of Shinnok and an ally to the Brotherhood of Shadow.
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Mortal kombat tanya costume

Description: Her kobu-jutsu weapon style from Deception returns, along with a new weapon: the naginata. She is one of the few henchwomen from the Mortal Kombat series, and prides herself on her superior knowledge of magic and diplomacy. Tanya's Yue Chuan stance. Jade threw a glass orb filled with concentrated Tarkata essence at Tanya, making her meets her demise in Jade's Deception ending.

Views: 2275 Date: 15.04.2017 Favorited: 5 favorites

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