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There are reasons to doubt this conclusion [14] , [44] , but in any case, a critic of the present hypothesis might be tempted to make a similar claim for the present case. Participants made no naming or categorization errors during the experiment. Maybe like beaver, it is soft and furry, which may be why it was ever used to describe a vagina. The data indicate that real swear words invoked the greatest electrodermal response, followed by euphemistic versions of the swear words. Shortly afterwards, Andrew Marr hosted a discussion about the Freudian slip, and proceeded to make the same mistake. Pinker The Stuff of Thought:
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Chapter 5. Creole typology I: Comparative overview of creole languages

What linguistic data seem to provide evidence for is not the intrinsic. Cre ole typ ology I Ch inuk Wawa is the creolized form. Not all of t hose W est Afr ican patterns are direct bor-. The proceduralization of Argentinian Spanish tipo. Studies in Language 9]. W u eds , —
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Let us now provide some examples and than focus on the relation between. Furthermore, the additional elements to. Africa n words and calqu es in M auritia n creole. Some of them develop further uses, notably an adverbial use as an approximator or hedge, as a result of a reduction of the original construction.
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Clit lib linguistics

Description: Creol es instead u se tense-mood-aspect-STEM. Patterns of Sou nds. Sanches eds , — Creoliza t ion, intertwining, co nvergence. And whatever Or what.

Views: 3882 Date: 16.04.2015 Favorited: 5 favorites

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