Mistress domination sissy training lists madeline

What this means to you: You don't have to worry about running into another client, session interruptions, indiscretions, up-selling, law enforcement raids, recording devices, biohazards, being duped, driving around forever looking for a place to park, finding your car broken into after your session, being misled, catching an infection by being exposed to contaminated equipment, enduring a session with a dominatrix who just isn't into it, having your person or property endangered, getting less time than you paid for, being rushed through your session, sessions with a stripper or escort erroneously calling herself a dominatrix, sessions with the flavor of the month, or getting in tune with a dominatrix just to have her unavailable the next time you get the urge. Sometimes, I take the role of nurturing mother, coddling my big baby. Click on any one of the pictures to enlarge it to full size. Clothing Bondage Hobble skirts and corsets, oh my! Mistress Ela OCT NiteFlirt uses cookies and other tracking technologies in order to provide you with the best experience. Cock Stuffing Urethral sounds, stiletto heels, penis plugs, fingers, and other objects are a fun way to torment your prick.
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Mistress domination sissy training lists madeline


Views: 5205 Date: 18.03.2015 Favorited: 5 favorites

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+ -
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Cis-gender female, mostly heterosexual, kinsey 1ish, Hufflepuff, Australian, Queenslander, Budding Librarian, Feminist, Egalitarian, Psych undergraduate, Tap dancer, Sister, Hospitality Worker, Short sighted, British-Irish Decent, Sherlockian, Talkative, Daughter, Clumsy, Opinionated, Compassionate, Aquarian, Whovian, Reader, Eccentric.
+ -
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+ -
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Wow what a hottie
+ -
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Wow, what a body and those tits! Wouldn't mind shooting my load inside that hot maker's pussy too...
+ -
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I Love to fuck her longer in ass!!!!
+ -
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+ -
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