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Hater: "Slow down, I just wanna destroy you! The Black Cube of Darkness? Look, you really haven't been around a lot lately, so we weren't even sure if you were still even ruling us anymore, so we, like, uh, well, we met someone else. Good Colors, Evil Colors : Wander's fur, hat and shoes are light shades of orange, green and blue respectively, while Lord Hater wears a robe of dark red and black. Wander : Gentlemen, please. Gone Behind the Bend : In "The Picnic", Hater chases Wander around a tall narrow rock, until Wander climbs up on it to watch the planets align, leaving Hater to run around the rock until he finds Wander on top and resumes chasing him. Monster Is a Mommy : In the episode "The Egg", Wander finds a giant egg fallen from a nest and concludes this is the case for the monster attacking Sylvia and him.
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Date: 19.11.2015
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