Ass holes finish first
Jan 09, Kelly rated it really liked it Shelves: The book is full of the author's stories about drinking too much and having so much sex he could have accounted for half the US population had he not been using contraceptives. He shows no respect for human beings and is very condescending towards everything. Books by Tucker Max. Don't trust guys, to some degree they're all like him. Taking advantage of girls when they're drunk and even soliciting sex on his website while constantly insulting aforementioned girls and his so called friends.
Assholes Finish First
Though maybe not as funny as his first, I still laughed, and it kept me turning pages. After a brief discussion with Doug, the book as a whole was 'alright'. I am less of a person after reading this trash. Refresh and try again. Quotes from Assholes Finish F He is irreverent and honest. What happens when you eat too much beef jerky and then drink a gallon of vegetable juice?
**Ass Holes Finish First*** - UKRSHOPPER.INFO Forums
This is pretty weak sauce in the context, and I was pretty disappointed. While his first was pretty damn hilarious, AFF is just a pitiful look at a middle-aged douche who doesn't quite know how to grow up. Another account involving an RV in Harlem and several early internet fans was really entertaining as well. I finished this piece of crap only due to the same fascination with which people view an automobile crash.
Assholes Finish First Quotes
Description: This book, as an expose on Tucker Max, actually had its redeeming moments. And any girls who really seek this guy and others like him out? Meaningful achievement takes time, hard work, persistence, patience, proper intent and constant self-awareness. He's got some pretty funny references tucked away in his books, things that did make me chuckle, even though at no time did I actually laugh out loud at one of his anecdotes.
Views: 1691
Date: 11.12.2015
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