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Please send any copyright reports to: I prefer to keep my bitches asses tight so when their pussies get loose from popping out babies, I can still have a hole that makes me feel like I have a big cock. And I want to train him properly so I can enjoy having him used for as long as I'd like in one session If I hurt him, he's probably going to run away every time I strap on. I liked getting him way out there and then asking him what he thought all of his former girlfriends would think if they knew he could take a much bigger cock than they could. Wait a while for the pain to ease.
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The 8" flexible rubber shaft and heavy balls feel like the real deal! The Fem Dom Training Software. This Dong is clearly made for that someone special! Holds up to lbs.
Description: If the husband feels pain he must bend further forward, which will straighten his anal canal. No need to hide the process of putting a condom on a dildo. All of which is fine, except I'd also have a condom on the dildo which can then immediately be removed, wrapped in the tissue, and dropped in the bin. TC link edited and published February 21, 6:
Views: 2493
Date: 11.10.2015
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