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I wonder if she'll like the taste of it? I don't feel too comfortable with that. Wow, she is holding on tight and even stoking it a bit. He slides his hand over the crack to the other cheek, massaging it equally.
Soccer-Mom: First Swap Party Ch. 03
Description: All of a sudden a man, likely her husband, shakes Barbara by the shoulder and whispers loudly, "Mark has taken the new woman we saw earlier into the Green Room. Dorothy looks up and says weakly, "Mark, I am feeling light headed. She is playing hard to get. I bet she reads Cosmopolitan and the Shades of Grey books. You know, the kind of hair that feels great when you grab a fistful of it when the woman's head is bobbing up and down while sucking your cock.
Views: 2128
Date: 19.04.2016
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