Loose your virginity

If a penis goes very deep in your vagina and hits your cervix or other areas, it can feel uncomfortable or painful. Put a drop in the condom before you slip it on, and if things start to get dry while you're doing the deed, don't be shy about using more to help keep things moving smoothly. Think about if you are ready to have sex. Remember that you can stop having sex at any point. You most likely won't urinate, but it's not uncommon to leak a little, which is perfectly fine. Help answer questions Learn more.
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How To Lose Your Virginity

YK Yogesh Kumar Jul 22, If you do not want sex, they should back off when you say no. If you were standing, your vagina would be at a degree angle to the floor. Not Helpful Helpful Are you supposed to bleed after having sex for the first time? Try to locate your clitoris before you have sex. AP Alyssa Pear Jan
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How To Lose Your Virginity

Your hymen can be stretched open the first time you have vaginal sex, which might cause some pain or bleeding. It can also help prevent condoms from breaking during sex. If your partner has a latex allergy, nitrile condoms are a great alternative. Don't feel pressured to lose it because your friends did. I a really not a fan of pain, and this article was very helpful and detailed.
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Loose your virginity

Description: I have read that it keeps you from getting pregnant, which is great. Wait until you're actually ready to have sex. If you have sex when it doesn't feel "right," you may enjoy sex less and become tense during the act. Not Helpful Helpful Make it easier on yourself and your partner by choosing a time and place where you won't be disturbed.

Views: 3430 Date: 29.04.2016 Favorited: 5 favorites

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