Make more spunk

I was surely happy to give her all the power she wanted. These muscles control urination but it can also be used to increase ejaculate distance as similar muscles activate when it comes to releasing urine or semen. The longer time you spend the more seminal fluid you will build up. Just thought I would put my 2 cents in there. So if you want to boost your sperm count and quality get a handle on your stress patterns. Eat many vegetables and whole grains, and buy organic foods when possible. There are lots of foods, supplements, and lifestyle changes you can use to increase your ejaculate.
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Increase Your Semen Volume – It’s Easier Than You Might Think

If you ejaculate infrequently you will probably produce a greater volume of "spunk. Sperm cells are produced in the testes testicle singular , whereas the bulk of seminal fluid is produced in a few specialized glands found in your lower pelvic region see link above for more info. Other then that drink lots of water WTF. This is definitely going overboard. It won't be as thick though. Any way, that's a stupid question!
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Q&A: How Can I Increase The Volume Of My Semen And Make It Squirt?

Make more spunk

Description: If you want to increase your ejaculate, you need to drink more than the minimum your body needs to function. To have spunk, or to be spunky, is to be unafraid. What the spunk pills are for? Unfortunately, there are no sure-fire ways to change either of these characteristics of semen.

Views: 1856 Date: 04.09.2016 Favorited: 5 favorites

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