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I think we'll use the pink sleeper for the first few weeks until you adjust to your diapers. I just love looking at a fat bottom with a nice big dildo sticking out of it and the enema hose is even more delightful. I pat his rump with my left hand, the cheeks enveloping my finger when I free them. For as long as I can remember he was full of love and lots of hugs and gentle pats on my bottom. But as her Vaseline fanny massage continued, she gave in to much stronger feelings of little girl helplessness, freedom, and a deep relaxation which spread out from her bottom into the rest of her until her bottom began arching up almost on its own, responding rhythmically to her Uncle's wonderful massage. And in many ways, Susie was indeed very ready indeed.
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Xx Like Liked by 1 person. The enema didn't feel bad, just a little funny and Uncle Harold's soothing words helped but then I suddenly felt like I was going to burst and yelled, "Stop! What would Uncle do if he realized that she wasn't really sick.? So distracted was she by the needle potentially coming at her butt she didn't realize she was getting a spanking instead until the first blow cracked down across her cheeks. Now he was determined and I knew I wouldn't be able to stop him. Foei foei op de poep gekregen en thoekje in Like Like.
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I just stood there staring. What had she gotten herself into? The dining hall is pretty big. The soap stung a little but moving his finger around inside me made it feel better and I was really enjoying the feelings of having something in my bottom.
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Description: Now as an adult I closed my eyes and lowered my panties. The red bag bulges on the I. She was restrained for some just like I was so I know Uncle Harold had given her forced enemas.

Views: 4556 Date: 03.08.2017 Favorited: 5 favorites

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