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What is your worst spanking experience? If they can be managed with a harsh look or a stern word, as long as it works. Prepaid Debit cards for teens? I was promising I would never steal again.
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What was your worst experience with spanking?

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Description: How do I know when I had My last period? But i also think like many that there is defiantly a fine line. And I was so ready for him. When he was done, I was sore. I love this story!

Views: 5379 Date: 28.01.2018 Favorited: 5 favorites

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+ -
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so nice, what a hoe
+ -
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_*edit: just wondering, are there any studies on how many crushes people have in their lifetime/at certain points in their lives? I know it's different for everybody but would still be interesting to see statistics. All I could find was a very unrepresentative forum poll and loads of 'how many people do secretly have a crush on me? ^^_
+ -
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I think she is trying to change what we expect because currently we live in a society where not saying no is considered consent/saying yes. By watching this hopefully young people will actually understand what consent is.