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Many men went from having strong ties with friends and co-workers in Mexico to having very limited social networks and relying mostly on family in the USA. In part because of their low levels of education, migrants are often employed in labor-intensive low-skill type jobs Griffith ; Kim ; Yoon A systematic application of the Migratory Process Framework may be especially effective for further examining and promoting testing from a bi-national perspective using intervention approaches that are tailored to the different stages of migration and also take into consideration the entire migration process. We used multiple sessions to build trust and rapport, reduce burden on participants, and allow for an iterative analytical process. The website to find out more and join us: A brief measure for assessing generalized anxiety disorder.
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Russell Sage Foundation; In May the state Board of Elections approved permitting counties to print voter registration forms in Spanish. Our results may be constrained by several methodological limitations. On average, participants knew 13 other immigrant sexual minority Latino men, however the size of social networks varied considerably, ranging from 1 to 50 acquaintances. We assessed both where men socialized with male friends and where men met their most recent sex partner. Among sexual variables, we measured consistent condom use, number of sex partners, and sexual compulsivity. Since North Carolina is a non-traditional migration destination state, we believe that it underscores the need for linguistically and culturally congruent services, such as interpreters, bilingual written materials, and culturally sensitive staff.
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Others acted like they were better than you because of your race. We encourage further research to elaborate all meaningful dimensions of Latino gender identity, minority sexualities, and relations to Anglo-American gay male identities. Review of sampling hard-to-reach and hidden populations for HIV surveillance. Exploring Latino men's HIV risk using community-based participatory research.
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Description: Contrary to expectations, the availability of social support was unrelated to any other sexual outcome. Our results may be constrained by several methodological limitations. Machismo and Mexican American Men: Family and community influences on the social and sexual lives of Latino gay men. Integration Issues and Challenges.

Views: 4009 Date: 11.03.2015 Favorited: 5 favorites

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