My professor suck

Otherwise, attending the class is a waste of time. Sep 16, How many students do optional assignments which carry no weight towards the final grade? They teach the only section of the class that I need that is being offered. Posted by gatorjbone on July 1, in Education , Humor. Chances are that you are way too smart and acerbic to heed what I am going to write, but since it comes from my successful experience with difficult, yet critical people, I will write it anyway.
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“Some Professors Suck at Teaching!”: A Parent and Student Voice Concerns

Even for faculty involved in research, I recall there being some responsibility for teaching level—or having that assigned to someone else, right? If any college professor could ever get away with showing movies all year, it would be a Shakespearean. Ellen Bremen - October 25, By clicking this button, you agree to the terms of use. I sought it out to make sure I was educated. These ideas are courtesy of his students over the years, his time as a professor and his experience as a life-long student.
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More than a few of my students are total drama queens and kings when it comes to getting a high grade. I just started college like 1. So, definitely don't go there! Its just a gift and no studies can teach how to teach. Thank you for your words, Ellen.
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My professor suck

Description: Everyone one of my teachers has one or more of these qualities. Any professor who cares will meet them halfway. Why do math professors suck so much? I can count on you not mincing words, Matt. Most students will do very well if properly instructed AND if they make a big effort, so both parties have a responsibility.

Views: 1480 Date: 05.09.2017 Favorited: 5 favorites

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