19 twink gear
The Rock ilvl 60 Trinkets: See table below for level 19 base stats:. The main attribute is Agility although some players prefer a higher Stamina base stat. Ad blocker interference detected! Players primarily twink level 19 characters in order to compete in the Warsong Gulch battleground. Hunters have the choice of the following Glyphs:. Venomstrike was definitely BIS for both factions.
Wow Twink Guides
This site is a part of Curse, Inc. Bow and Throwing Specialization will increase your ranged critical chance, be it with a bow or a throwing weapon. Sunder , Jun 6, at 9: Satchel cloak is ilvl This will create a large space between the trailing 3 opponents and the flag-bearer. Shadow Resistance will decrease the chance shadow spells hit you.
Level 19 twink - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft
Your choice in glyphs is up to you and your play style. So often, while rogues can accumulate many killing blows and capture flags with ease, at times, it's those very subtle things like disorienting a flag-bearers protectors, enabling other teammates to than recapture the flag from that now-exposed flagbearer that make the rogue class great. Of course, the Distracted opponent will in a few seconds turn himself around and head in the original direction he was going I have the gift of versatility on my cloak and I have the enchants for my rings but I am waiting to get the BoA ring and just to make sure there is no other ring I should have.
Level 19 twink
Description: The new patch made my level 98 toon became level at level BG bracket. For example, you could sap target B, open on target A, and then blind target C. Satchel cloak is ilvl Blood Fury is nice for increasing your attack power and can give you the extra boost you need to take down other players.
Views: 5697
Date: 21.07.2015
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