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Views: 5344 Date: 02.10.2015 Favorited: 5 favorites

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+ -
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I have three fuck buddies since my divorce. I give them this handjob whenever I have my period. One of them still punts my on my back and slips it in because he gets so horny.
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Hottest girl ever
+ -
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First, I love your channel. It is a tremendous resource for which I am personally grateful. Question: can you suggest materials or resources for someone who identifies as gender-queer? A friend of mine says they feel marginalized by both binary identifying peoples AND trans peoples because of the ambiguity of their identification. I don't think they should feel marginalized or ostracized, but I don't know with whom or what they can commune and find acceptance and understanding. Suggestions?
+ -
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Dr. Doe, you are so wonderful and I really enjoy these videos. It's great to hear and learn about sex and relationships in an intellectual way that doesn't feel sterile and clinical. You're video on crushing has been my all time favorite and has helped me understand how I feel. I have even begun sharing that video with my friends who struggle with understanding their own crushes. I also share it with people that I do have crushes on as support in the event I'm not clear with what that actually means.
+ -
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