Asian pacific islander domestic violence resourceproject in dc

You have profile view s left. If you would like more information or if you think you might be in an abusive relationship, please call us at , Mon-Fri, 10am-6pm or contact us at info dvrp. Don't see an email in your inbox? Thanks for signing up! Need more info on this nonprofit? GuideStar worked with BoardSource, the national leader in nonprofit board leadership and governance, to create this section, which enables organizations and donors to transparently share information about essential board leadership practices. Click here to resend it.
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Domestic Violence

I continue to be impressed with the level of engagement by staff and advocates, the presence in the community, and the breadth and depth of relationships with other allied organizations DVRP has cultivated in a short time. Need more info on this nonprofit? DVRP's dedicated staff provides essential services for Asian Pacific Islander domestic violence and sexual assault survivors. Add a problem overview to your profile. We need policies that ensure that all workers, whether they are employees or contractors, have access to safety and justice in the workplace. The staff work tirelessly to meet the needs of survivors and work to expand to new communities and meet an even greater need. Add a map of your service areas to your profile.
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Asian/Pacific Islander Domestic Violence Resource Project in Washington, DC

Has the board conducted a formal, written assessment of the chief executive within the past year? Try a GuideStar Pro Report. API survivors experience types of domestic violence on the power and control wheel, but they also face differing patterns, types and dynamics. Survivor Services Program DVRP Case Managers provide culturally appropriate, linguistic services to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in past or present abusive relationships to ensure that they are informed about their rights and the available resources.
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Asian pacific islander domestic violence resourceproject in dc

Description: DVRP provides excellent service to clients, filling a gap in support for some of the most under-served and vulnerable members of the community: They are recognized for their particular expertise in providing services in a fashion that takes into account the culture of the client, an expertise they share with other organizations in the area. Try a GuideStar Pro Report. To address the domestic violence dynamics and trends in API communities, advocates have designed programs based on an intimate knowledge of their communities and the needs of API survivors.

Views: 2946 Date: 15.04.2016 Favorited: 5 favorites

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