Zone of the enders the fist of mars walkthrough

Luckily, fighting them is a bit optional at least on your end since Scarmiglione is the only target to end the battle. Save your game and move Testament onto their squares to rescue them, just fight the enemy units with everyone else. Don't hesitate, just send it. Zephyrs slays them in turn. It takes about four turns with one of actual attack for the boss craft to get in range, and this gives Vjaya plenty of time to go north to the L Server and get some new attacks. However before you can do anything an unidentified object shows up and you must fight it. Four civilian rioters will then appear, and decide to make sport of Cage when they spot him - until the BIS forces appear and destroy them.
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Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars - Walkthrough

If Cubick says, "We Won! If it's on the mech it will inflict damage shown on the status screen; if not, the enemy'll evade. Has romantic feelings for a certain BIS member, but, not being very suave, has not yet succeeded in winning her over. After the battle Ares regains his senses, he was being controlled by Bolozof when he fought you. You discover that Pharsti's name for the new form is Testament. In the northwest corner's the hospital, and to start off, Edge's supposed to move there. It can now use the 'Repair' command as well -- the perfect compliment to 'Supply.
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HarutMarut is a LEV. The Bizac and Bizac S are controlled by story characters -- Nadia and Bolozof, respectfully -- so they'll gun for your demise a lot more readily than the other enemies. Just remember to 'Supply' him more energy or he'll crap out after awhile. You must destroy Bolozof to win the battle but you may as well beat all the other units first for the experience. Ned will show up and threaten you, then Razma will appear and attack him.
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Walkthroughs for Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars

Zone of the enders the fist of mars walkthrough

Description: Is it just me, or does this game resemble Super Robot Taisen? Just remember to 'Supply' him more energy or he'll crap out after awhile. Mummy Heads are purely long-range, while the Cyclops are only short-range. Once you beat him Ares will show up for the final battle. Metatron in interior enables automatic self-repair.

Views: 4167 Date: 06.06.2017 Favorited: 5 favorites

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