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Views: 1167 Date: 28.04.2017 Favorited: 5 favorites

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+ -
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If it's a prostitute you're fucking, then there's not really anything to brag about.
+ -
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The woman is a nice toss in the sack.
+ -
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A ton of schools in my city (Toronto were missing half of their kids today, because parents pulled them out due to an updated sex education course. *sigh*. How would you calm these parents down, or reply to comments such as 6 is too young to be learning the word 'penis'! Maybe a video on what you would do if you were given full control over an updated program? What age would it start at? Is there such thing as Too young?
+ -
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I am so ready for this!
+ -
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like to be with them fuck yes
+ -
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goooood fuck ....
+ -
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I only knew four. x)