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Adult Drama Fantasy. Retrieved No mention of co-star John C. And then it would degrade and nobody would ever notice. I have just modified 2 external links on Deep Throat film. In she appeared at the Riviera , with Dinah Shore and Marie Wilson included on the bill, and again with Liberace in
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Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau. In the UK, the movie was banned upon release, and the ban was upheld by the courts 10 years later. Views Read Edit View history. In December , Franco received the part of Hugh Hefner. Chicago Sun-Times. People's Choice.
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We used a popsicle, and I had my arms covering the popsicle. Los Angeles Times. These allegations were cited in the UK Government's Rapid Evidence Assessment on "The evidence of harm to adults relating to exposure to extreme pornographic material" [15] as part of its plans to criminalize possession of what it termed " extreme pornography ". Archived from the original on October 20, Deep Throat was released without a copyright notice.
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Description: In December , The Rialto Report , a web site devoted to the history of the so-called Golden Age of Porn , made the surprise announcement that the supporting actress billed as Dolly Sharp, who had vanished into obscurity shortly after the release of Deep Throat , was in fact Helen Wood — , a former Broadway performer who, as a teenager, had a major role in the Hollywood musical Give a Girl a Break. Retrieved January 12, The film had its world premiere on January 22, , at the Sundance Film Festival and opened in a U. No, just filming Linda Lovelace biopic". Supreme Court

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