Sperm whale and man photo
Archived from the original on 22 April An adult female is around m long. Atop the whale's skull is positioned a large complex of organs filled with a liquid mixture of fats and waxes called spermaceti. The complex arterial retia mirabilia of the sperm whale are more extensive and larger than those of any other cetacean. Play media. Retrieved 19 January The sound then travels backwards along the length of the nose through the spermaceti organ.
Nicole. Age: 18. i am a beautiful, elegant lady with blonde hair and emerald green eyes, university graduated and world traveled.
Sperm whale
They were once thought to be a way by which individuals identified themselves, but individuals have been observed producing multiple codas, and the same codas are used by multiple individuals. Pontoporiidae Pontoporia La Plata dolphin P. They're not so well-known, in part because they don't venture into polar regions and thus were never widely hunted by whalers, Jefferson said. Archived from the original on 17 August La Plata dolphin P. Retrieved on Atlantic white-sided dolphin L.
Michelle. Age: 21. Mein beruf ist gleichzeiting auch meine gro?tes hobby und ich bin eine erfahrene frau die wei? was manner mogen
Sperm whale - Wikipedia
Amazon river dolphin I. Archived from the original on 20 February Archived from the original on 5 June There is a huge variance in the size of social units.
Description: It is analogous to the melon found in other toothed whales. He quickly realized he'd been scooped up by a whale, he told The Today Show. Parvorder Mysticeti Baleen whales. Elephants and dolphins also have larger brains than humans. Fishermen do not target the creatures sperm whales eat, [3] but long-line fishing operations in the Gulf of Alaska have complained about sperm whales stealing fish from their lines.
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