Guys putting sperm into girls
There is strong evidence from multiple species of eutherian mammals that the tubal reservoir is created when sperm bind to the epithelium lining the tube. The viscosity of mucus is due to the large size of mucins, while elasticity results from the entanglement of the molecules Carlstedt and Sheehan, , 1 ; Sheehan and Carlstedt, ; Sheehan et al. In estrous domestic cats, both ascending and descending contractions were observed by fluoroscopy Chatdarong et al. Thus, there is a potential for antibody-mediated destruction of sperm in the cervical mucus as well as leukocytic capture of sperm. Under these conditions, it was noted that only hyperactivated sperm detach from endosalpingeal epithelium DeMott and Suarez, In a variety of non-human species, this phenomenon has been seen in vitro or in vivo Suarez, ; Suarez et al. A comprehensive study of the human cervix is needed to determine whether sperm follow mucosal grooves to traverse the cervical canal.
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Date: 22.09.2015
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