Mountain dew kills sperm cells

Other factors can cause a person to be less fertile, but Mountain Dew does not appear to cause more health effects than other soft drinks. To set your mind at ease, we asked the experts about eight so-called sperm killers in the rumor mill so you can get the truth about what affects sperm quality and what doesn't. Using salt to fight cancer. I have heard that Mountain Dew increases sperm. The U. But this is only due to the fact that there are only a very small percentage of people who are allergic to it. It would affect more than the people who consume Mountain Dew.
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Myth busting the Mountain Dew Mystery

I had actually never heard this myth before; not exactly sure why, but it was news to me. One study in rats, although dating back to , was published in Food and Chemical Toxicology and indicated no adverse effects to consuming tartrazine. But this is only due to the fact that there are only a very small percentage of people who are allergic to it. True believers attribute the soft drink's purported sperm-killing properties to its relatively high caffeine content 55 mg. Surge did lower your sperm count, But not mountain Dew. Also, people often cite that tartrazine is a potential allergen as part of the myth.
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Myth busting the Mountain Dew Mystery | SiOWfa Science in Our World: Certainty and Controversy

Mountain Dew does not affect fertility. Exercising, quitting smoking , and losing weight are some ways to improve fertility. How do you think about the answers? The Dew rumor's current growth spurt may be partially due to a surge in the popularity of the product itself. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply.
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Mountain Dew does not kill sperm

Mountain dew kills sperm cells

Description: So it's up to you to worry or not to worry according to the partner you have in mind for this act. Does white vinegar kill sperm? There are some who fear it may cause impotency, while others seem to view it as a cheap and easy method of birth control. For its part, the company claims it has never received a consumer inquiry or complaint in connection with the rumor. Asked in Health, Exercise Does Protein shake reduces sperm?

Views: 4668 Date: 19.03.2016 Favorited: 5 favorites

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